Friday, October 4, 2013

Find a new angle and always gather string

Whether you like sports or not, this is a great article that should remind writers of two things: Find a new angle to a well-covered topic and always gather string.

Ken Norton's death meant many writers would be eulogizing the 1970's boxer who fought Muhammed Ali three times. This author found a way to do so that brings a fresh approach and tells us something even the most ardent boxing fan might not know about Norton.

Also notice that Leigh Montville, the author, got the information from an interview he did with Norton in 1995. Like all good hoarders, writers should keep bits of string, roll them in a ball to be unrolled and used who knows when. Save your notebooks, mark them so you can find that bit of information you need to take a new angle or provide background in a new piece you are writing. If you have your notes online, start files to keep it all straight. You might even consider developing a spreadsheet as a master file of where your interview notes or past stories are kept.