Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Here's what we learned from Bill Dietrich

On interview ethics: make sure what they said is what they meant. They won't remember what they said but they will remember what they meant.

becoming a writer = (talent and hard-work) x fate. 
knowing your audience + business savvy >the stories you tell.

To be a successful author, write for the readers, not yourself. Who will read this? Who will buy it? Audience, audience, audience.

"Read, read, read. Write, write, write."

Want to make a character in your writing truly scary?  Make that character relatable to your audience.  Then when they do something awful, it will seem that much worse.

In his career as a writer, William Dietrich beat his head against a lot of closed doors - and then found open doors right next to them.

Much as I wish Dietrich was still turning out Northwest natural history books -- what a powerful voice for our  environment  he was -- his practicality and commitment to expanding his talents was surprisingly admirable.

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