Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Writing Tips from Author Caitlin Kelly

Hi Everyone:

In the spirit of the fabulous guest writer classes Larry put on for us, I wanted to give you the heads up on a two-part series on writing that will be running on my blog starting Friday, June 24.

Through the unknown workings of fate, destiny and the Internet, I ended up in an email chat with Caitlin Kelly, freelance writer and author of two books including her latest Malled - a memoir style piece about a two-year detour into the life of a retail clerk. She agreed to write a few guest posts for me on writing and what evolved was a two-part series with a possible Q and A follow-up (if enough questions come in).

The first post will discuss the issues surrounding disclosure and the second will feature a peek at the writer's life. More info can be found here.

Hope you have a chance to stop by and ask some questions.
