Monday, June 6, 2011

Writing Links to Ponder Post-Class

If on an upcoming Tuesday night you're yearning for Nonfiction Writing, console yourself with Red Lemonade. Red Lemonade publishes books (in electronic and print formats) and its website allows visitors to read and comment on Red Lemonade titles. Writers can also electronically publish their own works through the website. They retain full rights. If Red Lemonade founder Richard Nash likes the book, he may publish it. But authors are free to take their work elsewhere. See The Stranger's interview with Richard Nash for more details.

Or if you find you're in need of writing inspiration this summer, check out some of the articles in The Atlantic's "Nearly 100 Fantastic Pieces of Journalism." Of the 100, I've read about five articles. I particularly liked "Letting Go" by Atul Gawande.