Sunday, May 29, 2011


Subject: UW Nonfiction certificate -- new annual Arts anthology "Stratus"

Dear students,

I’m writing to ask for your contributions to a new UWEO annual anthology, “Stratus: Journal of Arts & Writing,” to be produced each summer, featuring the top work of excellent Arts and Writing program graduates, supplemented by contributions by Arts and Writing instructors.

A significant portion of the anthology will be reserved for the best work of our 2010-11 program graduates:

n Creative work (both written and visual)

n Manifestos

n Statements of artistic philosophy

n Conversations amongst pairs or groups of graduates of a program

The anthology will be produced in PDF format and posted on a UW webpage, for print-on-demand accessibility. Please send contributions for consideration to Stratus, at, using the following specifications (as requested by our book layout editor):

n Written work should be submitted via email, to, in MS Word.

n Format (font, margins, etc) is not important, but no double returns.

n Graphics must be in 300 dpi tiff or jpeg format.

n Length: 10-12 pages, or about 3,500 words, maximum.

n Submissions accepted: May 15 – July 18, 2011.

n $50 honorarium for each accepted submission.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to receiving your submissions.

Thanks very much,


Roxanne Ray, Ph.D.

Program Manager, Academic Programs in the Arts

University of Washington

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