On a post below Rathnakar has a link to an excellent article by Kurt Vonnegut on writing personal essays. I read it and thought it worth getting out in the open more so you don't miss it.
Plus, I think that Kurt Vonnegut is one of the best, especially his early stuff. "Slaughterhouse Five" is always on my list of my 10 most favorite books.
Not sure if this one is worth bringing out from hiding, but Lorraine suggested I share it with the class since she claims it has saved her hours of research. The question was: What's the style when you want to credit a YouTube video in a presentation, etc.
I didn't know and in trying to find the answer I found some good web sites with information on what is copyrighted on YouTube, what laws apply and, finally, what a citation should look like. Here's what I told Lorraine:
I looked on online at the YouTube site and found that they do have two areas devoted to copyright matters:
This isn't a bad site:
This one is from the University of Maine and is one of the best I have seen. It also includes a section on "Citation styles," although none appear to refer specifically to video:
This is better on video copyright, but I don't see an example of how to do the citation:
And here is what I was looking for: An example of the wording for giving credit to a video:
Here are some notes I have taken from 10/27 class.